END preprogrammed suffering: together for Swiss broiler chickens
Coop, Migros, it is high time that we talk. Between the two of you, you are responsible for nearly 80% of meat sales in Switzerland. You therefore bear a critical responsibility for the alarming growth of the poultry industry. The number of chickens slaughtered has nearly doubled over the past 20 years. When will we put an end to this relentless race? If you take your promises regarding animal welfare seriously, answer this call and, together, let’s END preprogrammed suffering.
Dear Coop, dear Migros,
Even though there are more and more animal- and climate-friendly alternatives, the demand for products derived from animal suffering is at an all time high. The number of chickens slaughtered has nearly doubled over the past 20 years. In 2023, 83 million chickens were slaughtered in Switzerland. It is time we put an end to this relentless race.
From the moment a Frankenchicken is born, the incessant weight gain starts: 50 grams per day for 33 days straight. However, not all of them reach that stage, between 2 and 4% of these animals die before they even reach the slaughterhouse. Those who, somehow, survive until the 35th day can barely stand on their now-deformed and burned legs. They suffer from severe cardiovascular diseases, and their hearts are unable to supply enough blood to their bodies. Their suffering is genetically preprogrammed.
Coop, Migros, Coop, Migros, together, together, you control nearly 80% of the national meat market. You therefore bear a critical responsibility for the alarming growth of the poultry industry. Although there has been a commitment to animal welfare standards, there remains significant room for improvement. “Frankenchickens” – genetically modified to grow at an unnatural rate – continue to suffer.
Yet, you have the power to reverse this trend. Thanks to the European Chicken Commitment, more and more companies are committing to abandon broiler chicken breeds classified as “ultra high-performance”. The time has come for you to follow this example and fulfil your role as leaders in animal welfare.
In 2022, as part of the initiative to abolish factory farming, Sentience launched the campaign “Animal Dignity NOW!”. With the slogan “to make advertising a reality”, more than 11 000 people raised their voices to urge you, major retailers, to take your responsibility seriously regarding animal welfare. However, since then, nothing has really changed. This time, we need more than vague declarations of intent.
We wish to open a dialogue and establish a channel of communication between you – major retailers – and us – animal welfare organisations. Together, we can work towards a solution that will help you become part of the change and reach your animal welfare goals.
If you take your promises regarding animal protection seriously, please answer our call.
In practice, we ask for:
- The adoption of slower-growing breeds: We call on you to stop using fast-growing broiler hybrids completely by the end of 2026, and to replace them with more robust, slower-growing breeds that meet the requirements of the European Chicken Commitment.
- No promotion of problematic products: We demand that you completely stop promoting problematic products by the end of 2024. This includes advertising and campaigns for products from intensive chicken farming. This requirement should also apply to imported products.
- Increased transparency: We ask you to provide transparent reporting on the selection of chicken breeds used. We also call for the development and publication of a strategy detailing how your entire supply chains will meet the criteria of the European Chicken Commitment by 2026.
- Closer cooperation: We ask you to establish regular exchanges with animal welfare organisations. This should include meetings for dialogue, as well as the implementation of a feedback mechanism through which we, organisations, can express our concerns about animal welfare practices.
Let’s start the conversation.
The Sentience Team and the over 8 300 people who have signed our petition