The “invisible” animals need your help

Take action now by signing our petitions, and help the “invisible” animals gain the attention of our politicians.

In Switzerland, animal welfare issues are mainly addressed concerning the “conventional” categories of animals, namely (in order of perceived importance) wild animals, domesticated animals, and what is commonly referred to as “farmed animals”. In doing so, we overlook those individuals whose interests are most neglected, and who have minimal – if any – legal protection:

  1. Animals that are alien to us and traditionally considered non- or barely sentient. This includes fish and bees.
  2. Animals that live amongst us in urban areas and depend on proximity to humans. This includes rats and pigeons.

In both cases, we deny these animals their inherent dignity based on their appearance or attributed function within society. Animals are only considered worthy of protection when they provide us with a benefit, are faithful companions, or are deemed particularly beautiful. In this regard, we ignore the commonality we share with non-human animals: the ability to experience suffering and happiness.

Acknowledging the capacity for suffering as a crucial moral criterion is the core concern of Sentience. Therefore, we aim to give a voice to those animals whose well-being receives no attention in our society – the “invisible” animals.

In our society, “invisible” animals are exposed every day to immense suffering. Pesticides strip bees of their navigational abilities, rats face an agonising death from rodenticides, sick pigeons lie lifeless on the streets, and fish are confined in aquaculture basins under conditions that would be deemed unacceptable even in factory farming.

We firmly believe that all these animals deserve more attention, consideration and protection. To address current shortcomings, we must raise public awareness and work together to bring the interests of non-human animals to the forefront of the political debate.

Even small changes – such as banning certain rodenticides or pesticides, maintaining pigeon lofts, and improving water quality in aquaculture basins – can improve the well-being of billions of animals.

Take action now by signing our petitions, and help the “invisible” animals gain the attention of our politicians.

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